WINDVORST was founded in 2003 by two Dutch entrepreneurs: Henk van den Bosch and Anton Mauritz. Initially WINDVORST was erected to empower Cool Storage facilities by Wind Energy. In 2013 WINDVORST was changed into an Investment and Holding company for several ventures in Wind Energy business.
WINDVORST is a Dutch word combination of ‘wind’ and ‘frost’. The combined word WINDVORST stands for freezing energised by the power of wind. A Dutch poem, written by the famous Dutch poet Joost van den Vondel speaks also about 'windvorst'.
WINDVORST is actively engaged in the management of the ventures. For many years WINDBROKERS has been the main business driver as independent supplier of Used and New Wind Turbines. Several ventures have been established to accommodate this business. Actually WINDVORST is involved in the development, construction and exploitation of several wind- and solar projects in The Netherlands.
The required capital for new ventures will be provided by private investors and banks.